
  • Body

     According to the great philosopher and physician, Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon (Maimonides), to be physically healthy is “among the ways of God. Because one cannot understand or have any knowledge of the Creator if he is ill. Therefore, he must …

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  • Soul

    A person is composed of both body and soul. The body is finite, but the soul is eternal. Judaism teaches that your soul will live on after you die.  The soul was ‘breathed’ into us by God. It’s a spark of God’s …

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  • Family & Friends

    One of the greatest sources of joy is the love we give and the love we get. Our relationships with family and friends will either rise or fall depending on the time and quality of the attention we invest.  For example, …

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  • Career

    The danger we face in ‘Career Ball’ is becoming a workaholic. Particularly in a world that defines you by your career.  When people first meet you they’ll often ask, “So, what do you do?”  (What do I do?!  Many things…I’m a …

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  • Community

    Imagine you’ve gotten to where you feel your life is well-balanced… Your body feels great, you’re taking good care of your soul by learning Torah and engaging in regular prayer/meditation. You’ve got your love-life moving forward towards commitment, or you’re …

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  • Don’t Just Spend Your Time—Invest It

    Time, like money, can be allocated to build wealth, meaning and happiness in the years to come When it comes to time, we are born rich and then spend down our fortunes over the years. It may not grow like  money in a bank account

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  • What Drives You?

    Maybe it’s time to step back and change what is really running your life. KEY POINTS Some drivers in our lives are destructive or keep us from reaching our potential. We can think of common drivers likes steps on a …

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  • A psychotherapist says parents who raise confident, mentally strong kids always do these 3 things when praising their children

    As parents, we want our kids to  feel good about themselves , so we try to praise them as much as possible. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.  Research shows that there are benefits to praising kids. A simple compliment can generate self-worth and pride. …

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  • 5 Simple Keys to Helping Your Partner Feel Heard

    Being a better listener is the secret to better relationship communication. KEY POINTS People can build strong relationships by becoming better listeners and improving communication. Being a good listener involves clarifying, reflecting feelings, attending to non-verbal cues, paraphrasing, and asking …

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  • You’ve Got a Friend: A True Story about the Power of Connection

    The surprising impact from an unexpected letter from an old friend.

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  • Happiness Comes from Making Others Feel Good

    KEY POINTS Attempts to make others happy increase happiness more so than trying to make oneself happy, new research suggests. The findings may seem counterintuitive, but they confirm previous research that shows that people derive happiness from helping others. Feelings …

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  • Dangerous Assumptions

    Most hatred stems from our assumption of guilt regarding people’s thoughts and motivation. Benjamin Scheibehenne from the University of Basel and his colleagues, Jutta Mata from Stanford University & Peter Todd from Indiana University, suggest that even though people will …

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